College Thoughts


College is amazing there is freedom and understanding.

Everything is different. Everything is new and there is no going back.

So do we make a whole different self to go along with it or do we continue on…

I guess these are the questions worth asking when we have the time.

Do we hold onto those from our past life or do we allow both all of us to grow?

Can we grow while we are still attached?

These are the questions we must answer ourselves.

But it takes a toll sometimes.

The best answer is always hidden underneath layers of triumph and turmoil.

So what do we do?



I have never been camping in my life. Something about the fact that there are lots of bugs and at any point a bear could eat my face off…. Just sounds a little iffy to me.

This weekend my four best friends and I decided to try and venture into the wilderness. Figured better have one last big outing before we go to college.

Turns out everyone else in the state had a similar idea.

Unfortunately all the places were first come first served.

SO we jammed packed the car and crossed our fingers.

Well the universe was not on our side.

No spots. Checked every camp site within a 3 hour radius.


We call it off… it was time to go home…

Turns out there was a lethal accident on the freaking highway!!!!! Stopped traffic for hours.

We decide we are gonna be here for an eternity so we find some back roads……….

DEAD END!!! So we climb the mountain with a freaking drop off on the side… Even though it was pitch dark by this time it was still as terrifying.

5 teenagers and an overloaded vehicle going up an extreme grade.

We finally made it home after 9 hours of basically just a detour back home….

I’d say camping is not for me.

Social Media Stuffs:

Quote and Paper Towns


I have an app called LOVE by Tiny Buddha and everyday at 4pm it sends me a quote and this one really hit me:

“Absence sharpens love, presence strengthens it.” -Thomas Fuller

Now for my review:

John Green is one of my favorite authors of all time. He is sarcastic, witty, intelligent, and humorous but also beautifully profound.

Looking for Alaska is in my opinion a masterpiece. Along with the Fault in Our Stars. Their deep meaning is relentless.

I recently read Paper Towns which had me laughing and thinking. Going an adventure with the characters.

I was ecstatic to see how it was portrayed as a movie.

Knowing how adaptions go I knew to keep an open mind. But honestly even keeping that in mind it was just sad.

The screen writers cut literally the best parts of the novel and remixed them into quick lines.

The main character Q seemed as though he was an obsessive weakling. Margot Roth Spiegelman was an insensitive tease (no offense Cara Delevingne I love you deeply). Radar and Ben looked ten years younger than Q. And the deep philosophical meaning of the chase was lost and removed leaving a cheesy love story.

I’m sorry but… What the hell.

No matter. Don’t go see the movie just read the book instead. (Said every book nerd ever) But still.

First tattoo and College Shopping 


Today I had a consultation for my tattoo. Which is both nerve racking but also liberating. 

So this Sunday I am going to get it done! I don’t want to reveal what it is until it happens. I am planning on posting a video about the process and what it looks like. 

So yeah! 

Also I went shopping for a few things for college. I figure it’s better to get things along the way rather than rushing at the last minute. 

Calculating the cost for not just your education but the extra crap on the side and that is shocking. Fun. But also sad. 

There is always a backstory


It is hard to remember that those we admire must work extremely hard to have gotten where they are. Sometimes when we admire our idols we forget they once were sitting up late at night contemplating, “Why me. I can’t do it.”

I think they may even still have these feelings.

We don’t just admire celebrities though, but this also comes with admiring those around us well.

I guess my point is that it is okay to feel hopeless every once in awhile because that is what keeps everything real and in perspective.

Thanks for reading.





Instagram: (_muggle)


Time for the 80’s


You know that feeling when you are so in love with a show and never want it to end. Well… Unfortunately “That 70’s Show” has come to an end. Yeah I know it ended on television a few years ago. But I have been Netflix binge watching this amazing show for months on end. And it has come to a tragic end. Watching the final episode is like cutting a limb off. Well more than taking an appendix out because you know you don’t need it but you still want it…
Terrible metaphor…
But you get the point.
It is a classic, comedic, masterpiece. But so cheesy and so bad but so good. Like cheese wiz. Anyways…
At least I am not left on a cliff hanger right now like with some shows (COUGH COUGH Orange is the New Black) but rather have concluded a long journey.
Even though I was disappointed with Eric coming back and the whole Jackie and Fez ordeal. But beggars can’t be choosy.
Now it is time to obsess over another mindless show.
Farewell That 70s Show. You will be missed greatly! (Well maybe not Donna’s blonde hair… Or Eric…)

The Bachelor is a Sad Excuse for Entertainment


I have an earlier blog post on cable tv now a days and how I think it is sad how much crap we watch. Well I found a show that really just takes the frickin cake. I have only seen The Bachelor once in my life… and it was just to please a family member because they were begging me to watch it. But last night being sick you want to veg out right? The only thing that was on was this horrific show… I don’t understand how people enjoy that show!!! You basically watch some perverted male drool over these beautiful woman to see who can be the nastiest out of them all and win over his heart. I don’t believe this can spark love. I promptly referred to Google and wondered how many couples actually last after being paired up on this show… 5 OUT OF 18!!! Yet people still believe this is what happens when you fall in love. How could you like a guy who could choose you over these other woman. Maybe I just have an unrealistic view on love but damn!!! This is entertainment? It wasn’t my sickness that was making me want to vomit. This was worse than all the Kardashians shows and that is saying a lot. Have we really screwed up this much, to make people believe this is how you find a companion you want to spend the rest of your life with?

Sorry not sorry bad habits


I think that it is easy to revert to old habits because we do not believe in the future of our mental stability. I have gone 2 months without smoking a cigarette. I didn’t use Nicolette or anything I used my strong sense that I could do it I believed in myself even if previously I couldn’t. When people say “oh I can’t do it I won’t be able to” they are just holding themselves back. And there is nothing you can do about it.

Mouth breathers


I really wish there was a way to run out of snot.
I am sitting here as I awkwardly pant, breathing out of my mouth and chewing violently on jolly rancher bites as I reflect on the fact that life is profound and that also people look at you weird when you are a mouth breather!!
I swear it’s just because the universe decided to shove giant cotton balls up my nose!!
I am not an animal!!!