SCROTAL RECALL – One of my new favorite shows…


When hearing the name of this tv show one might think I was recommending a porno… But fear not this show is a laid back British comedy on Netflix!

Netflix original shows are actually fantastic *Cough OITNB Cough*

This show is about a guy who finds out he has an STI and decides to contact every partner he’s been with the past few years.

Each episode is about one of the partners. (Making it only one season)

Now they could have made this show super dirty and gross but instead it is a silly almost heart warming journey through his innocent partners.

It is mostly a backstory to the last episode which sounds cheesy but is actually kind of original.

This series is short but refreshing…

Check out the IMDB:


Social Media Stuffs:

Olan Rogers and One Year on WordPress


I would like to introduce you to one of my favorite YouTubers:


He is hilarious in every way shape and form… His video “Ghost in the Stalls” is one of my top ten favorite youtube videos of all time. Here is the link

Enjoy! Also check out his other videos!

And the second topic of today is apparently it is my one year anniversary of WordPress!! Which I thought was awhile ago but I guess not! Well anyways I just wanna shout out to all of those who are following me… Makes me feel awesome! So that means congrads selfie… nope… okay….

I never post any pictures especially not ones of myself so yay!

I never post any pictures especially not ones of myself so yay!

Signing off!

Time for the 80’s


You know that feeling when you are so in love with a show and never want it to end. Well… Unfortunately “That 70’s Show” has come to an end. Yeah I know it ended on television a few years ago. But I have been Netflix binge watching this amazing show for months on end. And it has come to a tragic end. Watching the final episode is like cutting a limb off. Well more than taking an appendix out because you know you don’t need it but you still want it…
Terrible metaphor…
But you get the point.
It is a classic, comedic, masterpiece. But so cheesy and so bad but so good. Like cheese wiz. Anyways…
At least I am not left on a cliff hanger right now like with some shows (COUGH COUGH Orange is the New Black) but rather have concluded a long journey.
Even though I was disappointed with Eric coming back and the whole Jackie and Fez ordeal. But beggars can’t be choosy.
Now it is time to obsess over another mindless show.
Farewell That 70s Show. You will be missed greatly! (Well maybe not Donna’s blonde hair… Or Eric…)