Genre is undefined


I swear no one understands what the word genre means anymore.

Listening to the radio of any sort whether it’s FM, AM, pandora, itunes, even freaking Spotify… They have no idea what genre means.

They will play stuff thats the complete opposite of what you were aiming for.

I am all about switching it up but when I specifically start listening to the station because of the genre listed I expect to just keep it there.

1st world problems… Yes I understand.

But doesn’t change the fact that it just shows how music is almost undeveloping. Going backwards if you will.

College Thoughts


College is amazing there is freedom and understanding.

Everything is different. Everything is new and there is no going back.

So do we make a whole different self to go along with it or do we continue on…

I guess these are the questions worth asking when we have the time.

Do we hold onto those from our past life or do we allow both all of us to grow?

Can we grow while we are still attached?

These are the questions we must answer ourselves.

But it takes a toll sometimes.

The best answer is always hidden underneath layers of triumph and turmoil.

So what do we do?



I have never been camping in my life. Something about the fact that there are lots of bugs and at any point a bear could eat my face off…. Just sounds a little iffy to me.

This weekend my four best friends and I decided to try and venture into the wilderness. Figured better have one last big outing before we go to college.

Turns out everyone else in the state had a similar idea.

Unfortunately all the places were first come first served.

SO we jammed packed the car and crossed our fingers.

Well the universe was not on our side.

No spots. Checked every camp site within a 3 hour radius.


We call it off… it was time to go home…

Turns out there was a lethal accident on the freaking highway!!!!! Stopped traffic for hours.

We decide we are gonna be here for an eternity so we find some back roads……….

DEAD END!!! So we climb the mountain with a freaking drop off on the side… Even though it was pitch dark by this time it was still as terrifying.

5 teenagers and an overloaded vehicle going up an extreme grade.

We finally made it home after 9 hours of basically just a detour back home….

I’d say camping is not for me.

Social Media Stuffs:

Gondolas and One month


First of all I don’t know if you have ever been on a gondola but they are terrifying.

But the thing is is we are so desensitized to actually process what is actually happening when it comes to modern marvels.

Basically you are sitting in a plastic/glass box that is swinging hundreds of feet above the ground.

Also when you know some big event is coming up it is easy to over analyze.

Sometimes it is best to just sit back and accept the fact that it is happening and make the most.

Short and quick.

But also meaningful.

That’s life.

Forced interaction and song of the day #20


When people are forced to interact it really just makes everything awkward.

When you mingle on your own it comes a bit more natural.

But when put into a group and the expectation for the day is for you to make as many friends as possible thing just don’t come together.

It is different for everyone but not really.


The song(s) of the day is….


You and Me

Spotify Link

This song is just fantastic in every way. I love the chill beat.



2 Heads

Spotify Link

This song is dope. I love the meaning and it’s super weird but also seriously catchy!


Social Media Stuffs:

First tattoo and College Shopping 


Today I had a consultation for my tattoo. Which is both nerve racking but also liberating. 

So this Sunday I am going to get it done! I don’t want to reveal what it is until it happens. I am planning on posting a video about the process and what it looks like. 

So yeah! 

Also I went shopping for a few things for college. I figure it’s better to get things along the way rather than rushing at the last minute. 

Calculating the cost for not just your education but the extra crap on the side and that is shocking. Fun. But also sad. 

Words Per Minute


I have like a secret power where I can read at a speed that is in humanly possible.

I finished “Four” By Veronica Roth which is a serrate book adding to the Divergent series and oddly was the only good book in the series even though it was’t even in it!!! I seriously love love love the concept of the whole series but it is just so poorly written it is hardly a page turner.
Adding onto that I then say “Insurgent” which is a movie adaption to the second book in the series and I was actually really impressed with how similar it was to the actual book I really couldn’t find any major differences… and I cringe at these words but the movie was actually better than the book. I know horrible but true.

Then I finished “Paper Towns” by (the almighty) John Green. He is one of my favorite authors without a doubt. If anyone is going to figure out the answer to everything it will be him. He is one of the most brilliant people ever. Look into him he also has a youtube channel he shares with his brother Hank. Paper Towns did not disappoint in the slightest. It was like anything John Green… Tragic, hilarious, beautiful, and witty.

I also am halfway through the third book in the Maze Runner series. And it is actually better than I expected. Again the writing isn’t as dramatic as I would have hoped in a post apocalyptic teen drama book but I mean you can’t have everything. I actually haven’t been able to but the books down. I mean I read the Maze Runner before the movie came out and I loved the concept but his writing made me fall asleep. And the movie was just as good as the book. I guess I didn’t have much hope for the rest of the series but a year later I decide to pick up the second book and I do not regret it at all. It is honestly one of the most realistic post apocalyptic book I have ever read… well I mean besides the Hunger Games which is also one of my favorites.

Now for the less exciting news:
Yeah so its been awhile.
Life gets crazy and then one loses their voice again for no freaking reason and then things get even more crazy.
Of course the universe knew I had a million important things to do this weekend so that means that it would be a good time for me to not be able to speak to anyone!!!! AHHHHH!

So then that leaves us with this. I croaked my way through interviews and ended up getting into another college! yippy!

Anyways reading all these books this week has made me come up with more theories about the world we live in… but I won’t get into that now.
This concludes a daunting post about nothing and books! YAY!

Smoking Sugar


I am battling one of the hardest battles there is… quiting a bad and horrible habit. I am going to stop eating sugar (or at least that’s how it started now I am just going to ‘cut down’).

I figured since apparently eating the amount of sugar I eat is considered “unhealthy” or “life threatening” but I say no! I think it is a skill… downing a whole bag or starbursts in a matter of hours is legendary.

I also contemplated the fact that I quit smoking cold turkey style and succeed; cutting down on sugar would be a piece of cake… WRONG!

I am kind of terrified how sugar is harder to quit eating than smoking a cigarette. That is not how science is supposed to work.

Anyways… I will continue on this journey and give updates. That is if I survive the battle.

Another update I have now interviewed with four of the million colleges I applied to. This is the month where the truth is revealed. Wish me luck because unfortunately this month might determine my future.

You obviously suck + Song of the Day #8


Turns out the deadline for my top school is a month earlier than anticipated which means its fucking crunch time. I am applying to a very competitive school because I believe in myself and my abilities. Since there are a million requirements for the department I am applying for, One of my teachers observed that a lot of people applying will have been working on this for months. My reply was well then they obviously aren’t good enough. I don’t know how to explain it and not everyone will agree but… I think if you are good enough at something or are passionate about it you can pull whatever it is out of your ass and it will be amazing. And it will be better than whatever someone will be able to conjure up in months. I could be wrong and just running off a false sense of security but then everything I believe may be wrong and that goes for anyone. So what the hell? Why not try I would feel like a failure if I did not least try even if it was for nothing. That is how I live my life and I enjoy it.

Also while I am creating my many pieces of writing for my application I found a kick ass playlist on 8 tracks… I approve of every song on this playlist so have fun:

Seasons change


Well I have mixed feelings about this time of year. I love the holiday smells and activities. I also love the grey days and snowy  weather you can cozy up in a blanket and just to hang out. I don’t enjoy the fact of how my dumb ass tends forget jackets like no other so I am going out for a stroll and next thing I know my freaking hair is frozen. Then there also comes the slippers dilemma; I wear slippers all the time… all the time. They tend to get soggy when placed in liquid. This means I have to find other means of footwear. Its a bummer really. Also this means that this is the season when college applications are due. Fortunately I have already done the grueling college research so that is some weight off my frail shoulders. I don’t know… how do you guys feel about this time of year????