Genre is undefined


I swear no one understands what the word genre means anymore.

Listening to the radio of any sort whether it’s FM, AM, pandora, itunes, even freaking Spotify… They have no idea what genre means.

They will play stuff thats the complete opposite of what you were aiming for.

I am all about switching it up but when I specifically start listening to the station because of the genre listed I expect to just keep it there.

1st world problems… Yes I understand.

But doesn’t change the fact that it just shows how music is almost undeveloping. Going backwards if you will.

A rant about what is wrong with band competitions…


I have performed in about 300 concerts in my life time so far but this one was by far one of the worst.

Last night my band and I performed in a battle of the bands that also doubled as a fundraiser. I won’t mention the name of the charity for I don’t want to ruin their business because it is a good cause.

I could listen a million things that went wrong and was just embarrassing but I will stick to the general overall statement.

Whether you want to believe it or not almost all band competitions are rigged. Based on the number of people attending and who the judges are someone is going to know someone and that someone will most likely win.

Yes you can buy your victory… especially at this specific competition. Whoever raised the most amount of money won. Which is f*cked because that doesn’t determine who is the most talented. It determines who is the richest. Wow I am glad they made it a competition for bands?

Pretty much every venue is going to have a stuck up the butt sound guy. Last night in particular, the sound guy literally looked at his phone the whole time and did not pay attention to our vigorous waving and shouting “TURN MY GUITAR UP!”

Every band competition will also have a drunk MC… Yes you know I am right. The one last night stood way to close to the teenagers and stumbled over his own feet. That was embarrassing.

Yes whoever screams and flings their hair the most will most likely be the winner. That has been proven right at almost every competition I have been in.

No matter what the main reason bands compete is to network and if you are not taking advantage of that opportunity. You should just quit now.

But the worst thing about band competitions is that they don’t promote the fact that is it about having fun. Even if you think you may lose or you end up losing have fun. Make the most of it. Get to know the other bands. And if the winners aren’t egotistical f*cks then congratulate them because they probably deserved it.

Overall, band competitions are mostly about who is the flashiest and who has alright sound because the sound guy decided to wake up from his nap. Make it a learning experience no matter what. Even if literally everything goes wrong like it did for us last night.

At the end of the night we decided we just aren’t that kind of band anymore. We want it to be about the music. That is what it should be about.

That is all.

First tattoo and College Shopping 


Today I had a consultation for my tattoo. Which is both nerve racking but also liberating. 

So this Sunday I am going to get it done! I don’t want to reveal what it is until it happens. I am planning on posting a video about the process and what it looks like. 

So yeah! 

Also I went shopping for a few things for college. I figure it’s better to get things along the way rather than rushing at the last minute. 

Calculating the cost for not just your education but the extra crap on the side and that is shocking. Fun. But also sad. 



I meant to make a post about how I started blogging since July and I already have 100 followers!! I didn’t even have to beg for attention! I am so proud of myself. Usually one would need an app to bed for attention. So thank you to everyone who follows me it really does mean a lot. It feels great even if you read a sentence of one of my rants. You never know it could be important some day.

I shed a tear as I admit that I have had no time to relax. 2015 has kept me up and moving twenty for by seven. I have a billion things to do for college, work almost full time, plus school, family and friends, band practice, plus keeping up with my obsessions. It exhausting to say the least. At some point I want to make a post reflecting on 2014 and ask for others input on what they thought about that horrific year. Yeah I know you’re thinking ‘but it is in the middle of January and you are just now catching up????’ and the answer is yes.

But enough with my complaints.
I am sure almost everyone watched the Golden Globes and was satisfied with the fact that Boyhood won movie of the year. Because it truly is a masterpiece. With that being said that means I recommend it… obviously.

Also I am thinking about making YouTube videos for my rants. What does everyone think?
But it is so much effort…
Its ok I will bend over backward for attention. One of my favorite hobbies.
Including Tumblr, if you don’t have one we can’t be friends… So… motivation!
Mesa Tumblr

I hope everyone is having a good year so far…
As Sheppard and Matt Smith says… GERONIMO!

Yeah its a song link…

Bleach Cannot Clean all your Bullshit.


Some people are just like fox news.

All they do is feed you lies and complete bullshit. 

They know they are lying and you know they are lying.

You both know what is going on you both know that you both know!!!

But according to society you can’t call them out on it. 

I think when people lie enough they start believing themselves 

Maybe its just easier to lie to ones self, it covers up the fact you are to lazy to actually live the semi exciting life you are telling everyone you live.

Liars don’t like being called out for doing so, so when the time comes and their lies have been uncovered they run and hide in a hole. Most likely the hole from which they crawled out of in the first place.

I think liars are the hardest people to forgive because they know they are doing something wrong and they continue to do the thing they know is wrong. Then they want you to be ok with it… mmmm how about no maybe you should have thought that logic through more clearly. I mean you thought of how you were going to cover up that bullshit that is spewing from your disgusting mouth.

Not even clorox bleach could clean your shit filled mouth.

If all else fails in your made up life which is will. 

Maybe you should a pursue a career in astrology, its basically the same thing.

Have a nice day everyone. 



I think subconsciously we model ourselves after people we look up to. Mostly fictitious characters. But sometimes it is just an accident! People relate me to Alaska from Looking for Alaska by John Green. That one is an accident, but other times people admire someone so much that even their littlest movements reflect a character.
For example I will not mention names but a certain someone I love very much is obsessed with Doctor Who. As I watch Matt Smith I just now noticed how much my boyfriend acts like the Doctor. With his side smile and the way he walks. Just things like that.
Or then there are the uncanny resemblances. For instance I look unusually like a mix of Amy Pond and Franky from Skins.
This is just my thinking but come on I can’t be the only one who notices this shit?
Like have you ever been in class and been like, “In and alternate universe Jimmy over there looks like Brad Pitt”.

Sarspasm #6


All some people crave is attention.

It is true almost everyone on the internet is craving attention… That fact connote be avoided but posting a video of you getting arrested just plainly because you won’t give out information like your god damn last name is ridiculous!

I get that we all get lonely but I mean you really can’t blame anyone but yourself for attracting negative attention.

When you are being ticketed for something petty just take the ticket… don’t fucking argue… that’s weak… Own up to your mistakes 

and simply don’t post a video about it YouTube especially with a title that just makes you look even more like an asshole.

I won’t mention any names.

But lets try to hug children or our friends more or something because is this what people are doing because they weren’t loved as children?? I am confused because I can join that group of deprived of attention as a child but so can most and yet I am not arguing with cops over a petty ticket.



Sarspasm #5 Botched vs AHS


So one of my favorite shows of all time is American Horror Story I watch it religiously and I’ve seen every episode and enjoyed every second of them. Yesterday my step sister turned on the TV and showed this show called Botched… God only knows what I thought I was gonna see but this was a show about plastic surgery!! What the fuck! That shit was the nastiest shit I have ever seen in my born days! I can watch fucking American Horror Story and yet this plastic surgery shit freaked me out more?!? That’s gotta be saying something! What are we doing to our fucking bodies!!!?
Ya my boobs aren’t big enough so let’s cut them open and shove plastic in them because for some reason that’s sexy.
And they wonder why guys want to just have sex with them…. You payed a shit load of money so that guys or girls will get more horny while you’re around them.
How about you spend that money on some yoga classes or like expanding your education.
No I would like to waste a shit ton of money mutilating myself!
One guy came to the doctor on Botched and asked to look like Justin Bieber…..
Please please enlighten me obviously I haven’t reached your level of intelligence.

Acne is the name of a brand


I find high end passion companies very odd. What is so glorifying about having a company named Acne…. I fucking hated having acne!!! No!! Not ok! I don’t want to wear clothes that insinuate the fact I had little puss factories all over my face! Not cool! If you think I will stoop down to that level no sir! I will keep my metaphorical balls and shop at somewhere like a thrift store or fucking walmart! Because! I have no reason other than I am a poor fuck and I would rather dress my ass in Walmart fashion than your acne product!! You sick bastard!
And that is all…

Rant… My ear is ringing


Today I unfortunately do not have anything profound to say…

For once.

It is almost as if there is a think wall or a barricade put up in my mind so that no thoughts are allowed to pass through.

I wonder if sometimes our mind actually does not consult with our thoughts or emotions and just does things for us.

And I don’t mean that in an actual scientific sense because obviously we have to breathe and shit we do that without thinking but I mean…

I am exhausted a lot of the time cause I push myself mentally a lot..

So I wonder if my mind is like ‘You need a break dumbass’ and just does not ask anyone to shut all power down because the mind knows everyone else will disagree and just does it?

Or I am thinking to much again.

Also my ear is ringing.

You’re welcome.