Unbreakable Kimmy+Doc Who


Today is a TV show review day!

I mainly watch tv shows.

I haven’t always but right now there are honestly way better tv shows airing rather than movies. Especially when it comes to Netflix. Their tv shows are exquisite.


The way Netflix advertised for this show was so freaking annoying it made me not want to watch it… The freaking pop up every time you scrolled near the top of your “dashboard” page.

There was also the girl from later seasons of The Office (one of my all time favorite tv shows). The red headed receptionist who replaced beloved Pam. I automatically hated her.

But as I kept seeing gifs and memes on Tumblr from the show it looked pretty funny.

The first few episodes where a little annoying… But once I broke out of the pre judgments the humor was actually very witty and I would say almost brilliant.

The show outlines the life of a “mole woman” after she was rescued from a apocalyptic cult for most of her life. A comedy based around making fun of society’s stereotypes. (Tina Fey is one of the main writers for this show and even makes an appearance).


Season 8… Netflix sure took it’s damn time.

Matt Smith is fantastic in every way shape or form. He is the Doctor (in my opinion). I can not stand any other doctor’s companion… That’s mainly why he is my favorite… Until CLARA!

I’m sorry am I the only one who loathes her? It seems like the Doc franchise seems to think the opposite. She is the most fake, stupid, boring “companion” type character I have ever witnessed in a show… ever.

I was not excited for her to continue on through the series. I know season 8 has been out for awhile so it’s a little late to cover it but honestly I couldn’t work up the tolerance to watch two seconds with anything with her face in it.

I hear they are killing her off soon which excites me.

Pete Capaldi though… Playing Sid’s dad in my favorite all time shows Skins UK. Seeing him as an alien time traveler now… Doesn’t match. Oh well. At least he hates Clara.

I don’t know I feel like they are running out of ideas or something. Opening with a dinosaur attacking London and then Clara is the only one who knows what the hell is happening?!

What has this world come to???!!!!

Clara… Just no

SCROTAL RECALL – One of my new favorite shows…


When hearing the name of this tv show one might think I was recommending a porno… But fear not this show is a laid back British comedy on Netflix!

Netflix original shows are actually fantastic *Cough OITNB Cough*

This show is about a guy who finds out he has an STI and decides to contact every partner he’s been with the past few years.

Each episode is about one of the partners. (Making it only one season)

Now they could have made this show super dirty and gross but instead it is a silly almost heart warming journey through his innocent partners.

It is mostly a backstory to the last episode which sounds cheesy but is actually kind of original.

This series is short but refreshing…

Check out the IMDB:


Social Media Stuffs:

Is it normal?


Today while I was driving I saw something very ironic;

A handyman’s slogan was, “Because you ain’t got time for that”

In reference to one of the oldest meme’s…

You get it. I loved it!


Is it normal:

-To take your cat for a walk in a child’s stroller?

-To yell in the direction of multiple people while your target audience is yards away?

-To have a strange company remotely control your computer?

-To want to throw up when you smell rotisserie chicken?

-Just not want to do anything and just binge watch the new season of Orange is the New Black…?

(which I am still contemplating… It’s not the same and is straying away from being amazing…)

Maybe we will never know the answers

Movie Premiere and a million of there things


So last night I was lucky enough to attend the premiere of “Me and Earl and the Dying Girl”. It looked to be a rip off of “The Fault in Our Stars” so I wasn’t expecting much.

Let me just tell you… It was seriously stunning. It was like something I haven’t seen before. It was hilarious but also haunting and emotional. The acting was perfect and the casting was right on.

I was entrapped in the story the entire time. Engulfing me making me laugh and cry.

Since it was a premiere there was assigned seating and press which made it very interesting.

Afterwards there was a Q and A with two of the main characters; Thomas Mann and Rj Cyler.

I had seen Thomas Mann in Project X previously and since I loved him in that movie I was very excited. I asked them a question which ended up coming out of my mouth like gibberish in which I felt embarrassed.

Then we filed down the steps to get autographs and to take pictures.

Once it was my turn I shuffled over to them and handed them my reserved seating sign… In which I said, “All I have is this piece of paper for you to sign, it’s kind of like when you go on vacation and you get a t-shirt that says ‘all I got was this t-shirt”.

Yes it was as embarrassing as it sounds. But to top it off when they finished autographing my blue paper RJ says, “So are we gonna take a picture or what?!” (enthusiastically)

In which I reply, “No I just wanted to breathe in your air”.

Yes…. That is exactly what I said….

Both of my remarks made them laugh and I am sure they have heard worse. But when your adrenaline is going and it is hot as hell in the theater and they are too what would you have said????!!!!

Anyways… I am posting a few picture of me with the guys on Flickr:

(Main page)

My Flickr

(The album with the pictures)

The pictures

Also here is the link to the movie trailer and the IMDB:

Me and Earl IMDB

Me and Earl Trailer

I hope you enjoyed my embarassing story!

I will be posting again soon!

Social Media Stuffs:

My Tumblr

My Twitter

My Pinterest

My Instagram

Popular Federation – new youtube channel


I have some serious respect for professional youtubers it is way so hard to market yourself and make quality videos.

I have always wanted to try to be a youtuber but never found the confidence to actually try and make regular videos.

So last night at around 2 am me and my “step sister” (long story) decided that we wanted to make a youtube channel together.

It will be a long road and might not work out but we had a lot of fun starting it and putting up a video today so please show some love and go easy!

Our first video is about Common Pool Problems

Here is the link:


Also check out our:

Instagram: pop_federation

Vine: PopularFederation

Twitter: Pop_Fed

Thank you!

No Sleep Prank


One of my favorite youtubers is “ThatcherJoe” He is the brother of “Zoella” who is a very famous youtuber.

Anyways, Joe Sugg is famous for his pranks.

This one I enjoy a lot because it is hard to find a good balance between a cruel prank and a lame prank.

This one is in between and would be pretty easy to pull off.


The Try Guys


Kinda like my song of the day posts I thought I would do a series of YouTube videos of the day!

Youtube has become such a popular pass time for people sometimes it is overwhelming how many videos are out there.

So I will narrow it down just a tiny, tiny bit.

The other day I mentioned one of my favorite youtubers/youtube videos (Olan Rogers).

Today I will introduce you to the “Try Guys”! Their videos are both hilarious and also profound. They take everyday things and question them. They are apart Buzzfeed which is a fantastic website as well. They use comedic material to point out the flaws in normal societal norms.


Here are the links to some of my favorite youtube videos by them!!!!!!

Try guys try on womens sexy halloween costumes


The try guys try on women’s underwear!


Try guys try on Valentines day lingerie


Try guys raise robot babies


Olan Rogers and One Year on WordPress


I would like to introduce you to one of my favorite YouTubers:


He is hilarious in every way shape and form… His video “Ghost in the Stalls” is one of my top ten favorite youtube videos of all time. Here is the link


Enjoy! Also check out his other videos!

And the second topic of today is apparently it is my one year anniversary of WordPress!! Which I thought was awhile ago but I guess not! Well anyways I just wanna shout out to all of those who are following me… Makes me feel awesome! So that means congrads selfie… nope… okay….

I never post any pictures especially not ones of myself so yay!

I never post any pictures especially not ones of myself so yay!

Signing off!



