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Also I am seriously obsessed with song right now:


Obviously it has curse words.

So if you are easily offended I don’t recommend this song.

But honestly I love it. The meaning of it is so adorable and it corresponds with the title. Making it a double edged sword.

It’s just a good song for when things get hard you can just sing it at the top of your lungs.

Woke the F

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I have never been camping in my life. Something about the fact that there are lots of bugs and at any point a bear could eat my face off…. Just sounds a little iffy to me.

This weekend my four best friends and I decided to try and venture into the wilderness. Figured better have one last big outing before we go to college.

Turns out everyone else in the state had a similar idea.

Unfortunately all the places were first come first served.

SO we jammed packed the car and crossed our fingers.

Well the universe was not on our side.

No spots. Checked every camp site within a 3 hour radius.


We call it off… it was time to go home…

Turns out there was a lethal accident on the freaking highway!!!!! Stopped traffic for hours.

We decide we are gonna be here for an eternity so we find some back roads……….

DEAD END!!! So we climb the mountain with a freaking drop off on the side… Even though it was pitch dark by this time it was still as terrifying.

5 teenagers and an overloaded vehicle going up an extreme grade.

We finally made it home after 9 hours of basically just a detour back home….

I’d say camping is not for me.

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Movie Premiere and a million of there things


So last night I was lucky enough to attend the premiere of “Me and Earl and the Dying Girl”. It looked to be a rip off of “The Fault in Our Stars” so I wasn’t expecting much.

Let me just tell you… It was seriously stunning. It was like something I haven’t seen before. It was hilarious but also haunting and emotional. The acting was perfect and the casting was right on.

I was entrapped in the story the entire time. Engulfing me making me laugh and cry.

Since it was a premiere there was assigned seating and press which made it very interesting.

Afterwards there was a Q and A with two of the main characters; Thomas Mann and Rj Cyler.

I had seen Thomas Mann in Project X previously and since I loved him in that movie I was very excited. I asked them a question which ended up coming out of my mouth like gibberish in which I felt embarrassed.

Then we filed down the steps to get autographs and to take pictures.

Once it was my turn I shuffled over to them and handed them my reserved seating sign… In which I said, “All I have is this piece of paper for you to sign, it’s kind of like when you go on vacation and you get a t-shirt that says ‘all I got was this t-shirt”.

Yes it was as embarrassing as it sounds. But to top it off when they finished autographing my blue paper RJ says, “So are we gonna take a picture or what?!” (enthusiastically)

In which I reply, “No I just wanted to breathe in your air”.

Yes…. That is exactly what I said….

Both of my remarks made them laugh and I am sure they have heard worse. But when your adrenaline is going and it is hot as hell in the theater and they are too what would you have said????!!!!

Anyways… I am posting a few picture of me with the guys on Flickr:

(Main page)

My Flickr

(The album with the pictures)

The pictures

Also here is the link to the movie trailer and the IMDB:

Me and Earl IMDB

Me and Earl Trailer

I hope you enjoyed my embarassing story!

I will be posting again soon!

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Pixar Universe?


This is a very interesting link I found one StumbleUpon. It is a concept I have never thought of before but feel like I should have. But yet it seems like just something someone made up and made it sound legit because they can.
This person suggests all Disney Pixar movies are related. Like all the characters from every movie exist in one universe and this guy can prove it…

I don’t know maybe I just refuse ton care that much about it and thats why I can’t believe it… who knows.

It all seems to struggle to connect but if you add a little hope and magic you get one Pixar Universe! And even they all did connect why would it matter?

Anyways here is another website about it

Zoo of Lights + Song of the Day #11


When explaining to people that I will be busy because I am going to go to the zoo to have fun they look puzzled. Which puzzles me because as far as I am concerned there is no age limit when it comes to going to the zoo. Or am I mistaken? No NO ok I got it… maybe because as we get older our views are tainted because we want bigger and better and more! We can’t take a day to go and look at the natural beauty around us. Take in the kings of the wild or the timid little furry monkeys. When we are freaking babies we crap our pants when we see a polar bear look our way because we feel honored and you know what we should be!!! And personally on a Friday night I would rather eat freaking ice cream and look at hippos rather than look at the hyenas that show up to most parties. One time a year the zoo closest to me has a time where the whole park is lit up with lights and it is magical I don’t care how old you are. I enjoy that sh*t.

Also this song kinda fits my rant haha you’re welcome.

This song makes me dance and it’s super catchy so it’s perfect for the beginning of the weekend.