Yet another!! Pictures of people you don’t know!!


After more editing and more editing.

I have compiled more pictures of people you don’t know!

Now marketing your photos is hard because how do you interest an audience when the photos are not of celebrities but in fact the exact opposite.

Well my friends my cover photo for this post is the reason you should appreciate amateur photographers!

The photo is of my boyfriend and his cousin also his best friend and my close friend. Now I caught them expressing two different emotions. Both in thought.

I don’t know I think it’s a pretty kick ass picture. It made me reflect for awhile after capturing it.

I like to catch people when they least expect it so I can see their real emotions.

So if you want to see more please check it out!


Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^.^

Social Media Stuffs:

New Photoshoot – Splatter Paint!


Editing photos takes forever. No mercy.

You sit down thinking this won’t be so bad…

But sitting there six hours later tells a different story.

Soooo there for I have finally finished editing and there are now more photos that you should look at on Flickr…

Well you don’t have to…

Basically we covered my step sister in paint and I decided I wanted to photograph it…

Art now a days I tell ya!

Anyways I hope you enjoy!

My style is not your average preppy shit I enjoy emotional pieces so there for emotional art!

New Photos!

Hit me up and tell me what you think!

Social Media Stuffs:

Movie Premiere and a million of there things


So last night I was lucky enough to attend the premiere of “Me and Earl and the Dying Girl”. It looked to be a rip off of “The Fault in Our Stars” so I wasn’t expecting much.

Let me just tell you… It was seriously stunning. It was like something I haven’t seen before. It was hilarious but also haunting and emotional. The acting was perfect and the casting was right on.

I was entrapped in the story the entire time. Engulfing me making me laugh and cry.

Since it was a premiere there was assigned seating and press which made it very interesting.

Afterwards there was a Q and A with two of the main characters; Thomas Mann and Rj Cyler.

I had seen Thomas Mann in Project X previously and since I loved him in that movie I was very excited. I asked them a question which ended up coming out of my mouth like gibberish in which I felt embarrassed.

Then we filed down the steps to get autographs and to take pictures.

Once it was my turn I shuffled over to them and handed them my reserved seating sign… In which I said, “All I have is this piece of paper for you to sign, it’s kind of like when you go on vacation and you get a t-shirt that says ‘all I got was this t-shirt”.

Yes it was as embarrassing as it sounds. But to top it off when they finished autographing my blue paper RJ says, “So are we gonna take a picture or what?!” (enthusiastically)

In which I reply, “No I just wanted to breathe in your air”.

Yes…. That is exactly what I said….

Both of my remarks made them laugh and I am sure they have heard worse. But when your adrenaline is going and it is hot as hell in the theater and they are too what would you have said????!!!!

Anyways… I am posting a few picture of me with the guys on Flickr:

(Main page)

My Flickr

(The album with the pictures)

The pictures

Also here is the link to the movie trailer and the IMDB:

Me and Earl IMDB

Me and Earl Trailer

I hope you enjoyed my embarassing story!

I will be posting again soon!

Social Media Stuffs:

My Tumblr

My Twitter

My Pinterest

My Instagram

My Flickr= gray-mentality


Let’s face it social media is something we have to embrace now. We can no longer turn our backs and ignore Kim’s new plastic surgery of Madonnas baby… or something like that.

But we can support those who really are passionate about what they are doing and just want to share it…

So I guess that would put almost everyone else in some sub awkward category.

I would consider myself multi talented and have started to embrace different websites to put my talents onto the internet. So with out further or do I pronounce my Flickr website.

It doesnt have much on it yet but it is where I will be posting my new photography.

Here is the link:

Also you can see some of my old photos and my modeling photos here!:

Keep in mind these are very very old photos… I no longer associate with pretty much everyone in the photos and I no longer participate in smoking but anyways I think they are great photos so why not-



This weekend I journeyed to the big city and participated in one of the biggest nerd events around.

Comic Con!

My costume didn’t turn out as well as I had planned but the first day I went as Clary Fray from the Mortal Instruments. The second day I went as the killer bunny from Monty Python.

Yes I did get some cool stuff.

I had Evan Palmer from Clarence draw me and original sketch on an Adventure Time limited edition comic book! Which was signed along with Ian Mcginty from Bravest Warriors!

How kick ass is that!

There was also a live/moving R2D2 and a full sized iron throne!!!

And even though I didn’t splurge and pay $60 to take a picture with Karen Gillian I did creep and take a picture of her from a far!

The only down side was that you are literally breathing in anf touching thousands of people all day. Then someone stole the pass off my boyfriend’s lanyard while we were walking through a crowd………

But besides that it was pretty enjoyable!

I also saw a sign there that was posted in the front and I thought it was really important and it said “cosplay is not consent”. I was like hell yeah comic con!!!!

Evan Palmer Iron Throne Killer Bunny

Olan Rogers and One Year on WordPress


I would like to introduce you to one of my favorite YouTubers:


He is hilarious in every way shape and form… His video “Ghost in the Stalls” is one of my top ten favorite youtube videos of all time. Here is the link

Enjoy! Also check out his other videos!

And the second topic of today is apparently it is my one year anniversary of WordPress!! Which I thought was awhile ago but I guess not! Well anyways I just wanna shout out to all of those who are following me… Makes me feel awesome! So that means congrads selfie… nope… okay….

I never post any pictures especially not ones of myself so yay!

I never post any pictures especially not ones of myself so yay!

Signing off!

One Star


I decided that today I would watch random movies on Netflix; most of them looked light hearted and stupid… but potentially interesting. Netflix determined that I would give them one star I still proceeded to watch.
As I have already figured out Netflix is always right… The one question I have to ask is how do these movies even obtain a budget?
I did see one movie today that was very enjoyable… Frank… It was weird and very meaningful if you decode the message. My favorite movie genre is indie so keep that in mind when taking that recommendation. (It was rated 5 stars)
The next two movies were: Expelled and Behaving Badly… Both movies started out with a tall brown haired teenage boy talking at the camera. It was both cheesy and obnoxious.
Both movies took place in a make believe high school and both had disgusting humor.
Sometimes movies that get mostly bad reviews can be entertaining but these were both horrifying. It makes me question the intellect of this generation.
The movie Behaving Badly stars Selena Gomez a disney star. I just hope that the children searching for their favorite star on the internet don’t stumble upon that movie.