The Bachelor is a Sad Excuse for Entertainment


I have an earlier blog post on cable tv now a days and how I think it is sad how much crap we watch. Well I found a show that really just takes the frickin cake. I have only seen The Bachelor once in my life… and it was just to please a family member because they were begging me to watch it. But last night being sick you want to veg out right? The only thing that was on was this horrific show… I don’t understand how people enjoy that show!!! You basically watch some perverted male drool over these beautiful woman to see who can be the nastiest out of them all and win over his heart. I don’t believe this can spark love. I promptly referred to Google and wondered how many couples actually last after being paired up on this show… 5 OUT OF 18!!! Yet people still believe this is what happens when you fall in love. How could you like a guy who could choose you over these other woman. Maybe I just have an unrealistic view on love but damn!!! This is entertainment? It wasn’t my sickness that was making me want to vomit. This was worse than all the Kardashians shows and that is saying a lot. Have we really screwed up this much, to make people believe this is how you find a companion you want to spend the rest of your life with?

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