Movie Premiere and a million of there things


So last night I was lucky enough to attend the premiere of “Me and Earl and the Dying Girl”. It looked to be a rip off of “The Fault in Our Stars” so I wasn’t expecting much.

Let me just tell you… It was seriously stunning. It was like something I haven’t seen before. It was hilarious but also haunting and emotional. The acting was perfect and the casting was right on.

I was entrapped in the story the entire time. Engulfing me making me laugh and cry.

Since it was a premiere there was assigned seating and press which made it very interesting.

Afterwards there was a Q and A with two of the main characters; Thomas Mann and Rj Cyler.

I had seen Thomas Mann in Project X previously and since I loved him in that movie I was very excited. I asked them a question which ended up coming out of my mouth like gibberish in which I felt embarrassed.

Then we filed down the steps to get autographs and to take pictures.

Once it was my turn I shuffled over to them and handed them my reserved seating sign… In which I said, “All I have is this piece of paper for you to sign, it’s kind of like when you go on vacation and you get a t-shirt that says ‘all I got was this t-shirt”.

Yes it was as embarrassing as it sounds. But to top it off when they finished autographing my blue paper RJ says, “So are we gonna take a picture or what?!” (enthusiastically)

In which I reply, “No I just wanted to breathe in your air”.

Yes…. That is exactly what I said….

Both of my remarks made them laugh and I am sure they have heard worse. But when your adrenaline is going and it is hot as hell in the theater and they are too what would you have said????!!!!

Anyways… I am posting a few picture of me with the guys on Flickr:

(Main page)

My Flickr

(The album with the pictures)

The pictures

Also here is the link to the movie trailer and the IMDB:

Me and Earl IMDB

Me and Earl Trailer

I hope you enjoyed my embarassing story!

I will be posting again soon!

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