Yet another!! Pictures of people you don’t know!!


After more editing and more editing.

I have compiled more pictures of people you don’t know!

Now marketing your photos is hard because how do you interest an audience when the photos are not of celebrities but in fact the exact opposite.

Well my friends my cover photo for this post is the reason you should appreciate amateur photographers!

The photo is of my boyfriend and his cousin also his best friend and my close friend. Now I caught them expressing two different emotions. Both in thought.

I don’t know I think it’s a pretty kick ass picture. It made me reflect for awhile after capturing it.

I like to catch people when they least expect it so I can see their real emotions.

So if you want to see more please check it out!


Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^.^

Social Media Stuffs:

New Photoshoot – Splatter Paint!


Editing photos takes forever. No mercy.

You sit down thinking this won’t be so bad…

But sitting there six hours later tells a different story.

Soooo there for I have finally finished editing and there are now more photos that you should look at on Flickr…

Well you don’t have to…

Basically we covered my step sister in paint and I decided I wanted to photograph it…

Art now a days I tell ya!

Anyways I hope you enjoy!

My style is not your average preppy shit I enjoy emotional pieces so there for emotional art!

New Photos!

Hit me up and tell me what you think!

Social Media Stuffs:

Popular Federation – new youtube channel


I have some serious respect for professional youtubers it is way so hard to market yourself and make quality videos.

I have always wanted to try to be a youtuber but never found the confidence to actually try and make regular videos.

So last night at around 2 am me and my “step sister” (long story) decided that we wanted to make a youtube channel together.

It will be a long road and might not work out but we had a lot of fun starting it and putting up a video today so please show some love and go easy!

Our first video is about Common Pool Problems

Here is the link:

Also check out our:

Instagram: pop_federation

Vine: PopularFederation

Twitter: Pop_Fed

Thank you!