Olan Rogers and One Year on WordPress


I would like to introduce you to one of my favorite YouTubers:


He is hilarious in every way shape and form… His video “Ghost in the Stalls” is one of my top ten favorite youtube videos of all time. Here is the link


Enjoy! Also check out his other videos!

And the second topic of today is apparently it is my one year anniversary of WordPress!! Which I thought was awhile ago but I guess not! Well anyways I just wanna shout out to all of those who are following me… Makes me feel awesome! So that means congrads selfie… nope… okay….

I never post any pictures especially not ones of myself so yay!

I never post any pictures especially not ones of myself so yay!

Signing off!





Where do we find motivation? And some songs… #15


Where do we find motivation is it through quotes we find on Pinterest? Biggest Loser type shows? Is it watching Keeping up with the Kardashians? Well the real answer is: None of the above we should just naturally find it within ourselves.

But is that true?

Maybe it used to be but it sure as hell isn’t the way it is now.

Speaking of which here is a link to my Pinterest…. hahahahaha


No but really the cover to this blog post is one of my favorite quotes and it is from Harry Potter of course… It is truly wise.

Also the song of the day is Let It Go by James Bay
