

I think we underestimate what it feels like to grow up. In the scheme of things; time moves slowly but in the eyes of humans I moves quite fast. That is unfortunate for us because the aging of our planet does not slow down for us. It owes us nothing. It is how we choose to spend each day that really matters. Which sucks because sometimes we choose to spend some days poorly. But I guess that adds to the dynamic of life.

On another note.

Lets just say that humans were not meant to stand up straight for long periods of time. Or maybe that is just due to my poor posture. Yeah I had a 9 hour recording day last week. And I can report that we underestimate what goes into recording artists.
Next is that the scariest thought I have ever had is the fact that I will never legally be a child ever again. That is terrifying. Never growing up? Not according to the law.
All within in the same we I now approach my last week of high school ever. Also one of the scariest thoughts. There really is no way I can pretend things aren’t changing.
Also within twenty four hours of graduation I am on my way to my third vacation ever.

In conclusion…
Think about your age, does that reflect how you feel about your life and what you have done? What else is left to do?



I now have cable for the first time in a long time and am now catching up on the shit people have been filling there brain with. First of all the crap we watch is astonishing and the number of competition shows has risen to an incredible amount. No wonder are always at each other’s throats. Did I mention how many commercials we watch. How come it is normal to have propaganda shoved down our throats now a days. The funny thing is, is most people watch the super bowl just to watch commercials. I don’t know I personally find this mind blowing.

Song of the Day #5 and Brain Fog


Ok I can’t be the only one who has “brain fog” for long periods of time. Like you could literally tell me something and ask me about it again an hour later and I would have no idea what you were talking about. Or trying to think of an interesting topic or sentence is basically rocket science for me right now. Maybe it is my brain in denial about school starting… Problem is, is that school started about a month ago.

So lets just talk about music,

The song of the day today is……..


Ok it’s a popular but come on you can’t ever go wrong with Maroon 5 their songs are so mother freaking catchy.

Especially this new one, sometimes I like to zone out and listen to really brain numbing songs. Our brains need to be numb sometimes and I have found listening to songs like this help. But you have to be careful not to rot your brain cells in the process so here’s my recommendation.