Smoking Sugar


I am battling one of the hardest battles there is… quiting a bad and horrible habit. I am going to stop eating sugar (or at least that’s how it started now I am just going to ‘cut down’).

I figured since apparently eating the amount of sugar I eat is considered “unhealthy” or “life threatening” but I say no! I think it is a skill… downing a whole bag or starbursts in a matter of hours is legendary.

I also contemplated the fact that I quit smoking cold turkey style and succeed; cutting down on sugar would be a piece of cake… WRONG!

I am kind of terrified how sugar is harder to quit eating than smoking a cigarette. That is not how science is supposed to work.

Anyways… I will continue on this journey and give updates. That is if I survive the battle.

Another update I have now interviewed with four of the million colleges I applied to. This is the month where the truth is revealed. Wish me luck because unfortunately this month might determine my future.