Words Per Minute


I have like a secret power where I can read at a speed that is in humanly possible.

I finished “Four” By Veronica Roth which is a serrate book adding to the Divergent series and oddly was the only good book in the series even though it was’t even in it!!! I seriously love love love the concept of the whole series but it is just so poorly written it is hardly a page turner.
Adding onto that I then say “Insurgent” which is a movie adaption to the second book in the series and I was actually really impressed with how similar it was to the actual book I really couldn’t find any major differences… and I cringe at these words but the movie was actually better than the book. I know horrible but true.

Then I finished “Paper Towns” by (the almighty) John Green. He is one of my favorite authors without a doubt. If anyone is going to figure out the answer to everything it will be him. He is one of the most brilliant people ever. Look into him he also has a youtube channel he shares with his brother Hank. Paper Towns did not disappoint in the slightest. It was like anything John Green… Tragic, hilarious, beautiful, and witty.

I also am halfway through the third book in the Maze Runner series. And it is actually better than I expected. Again the writing isn’t as dramatic as I would have hoped in a post apocalyptic teen drama book but I mean you can’t have everything. I actually haven’t been able to but the books down. I mean I read the Maze Runner before the movie came out and I loved the concept but his writing made me fall asleep. And the movie was just as good as the book. I guess I didn’t have much hope for the rest of the series but a year later I decide to pick up the second book and I do not regret it at all. It is honestly one of the most realistic post apocalyptic book I have ever read… well I mean besides the Hunger Games which is also one of my favorites.

Now for the less exciting news:
Yeah so its been awhile.
Life gets crazy and then one loses their voice again for no freaking reason and then things get even more crazy.
Of course the universe knew I had a million important things to do this weekend so that means that it would be a good time for me to not be able to speak to anyone!!!! AHHHHH!

So then that leaves us with this. I croaked my way through interviews and ended up getting into another college! yippy!

Anyways reading all these books this week has made me come up with more theories about the world we live in… but I won’t get into that now.
This concludes a daunting post about nothing and books! YAY!

Lottery Ticket


Lottery tickets are addicting but also always disappointing.
I had this one lottery ticket the other day where you have three numbers and they all have to add up to 7,11, or 21.
My numbers added up to 20… Like are you kidding me! Just one more number and I would have won 21,000 dollars!
Which seems like a lot but then when I thought about it that wouldn’t even make a dent in my college debt… so yeah so screw it.

Pixar Universe?



This is a very interesting link I found one StumbleUpon. It is a concept I have never thought of before but feel like I should have. But yet it seems like just something someone made up and made it sound legit because they can.
This person suggests all Disney Pixar movies are related. Like all the characters from every movie exist in one universe and this guy can prove it…

I don’t know maybe I just refuse ton care that much about it and thats why I can’t believe it… who knows.

It all seems to struggle to connect but if you add a little hope and magic you get one Pixar Universe! And even they all did connect why would it matter?

Anyways here is another website about it


Kingsman was Kick Ass


My attempt to post something everyday is not going so well… But…

I know I have been posting a lot about movies lately but I mean the oscars happened recently so movies have been on my mind.

On Friday I saw one of the only movies that looked interesting in the box office right now;
Kingsman: The Secret Service
Let me just start by saying it is the most graphic movies I have ever seen. EVER!
And I am an American Horror Story fanatic.
Kingsman had kick ass cinematography and it was a unique story that keep me interested the whole time. There were some parts where I was like, ‘Oh my god cover your eyes’ or ‘oh my god that is so horrible’
but other than that I was seriously impressed by the movie because I wasn’t expecting much…
The special affects are pretty awful but hey I mean what are you expecting it’s a spy movie with Colin Firth.
Speaking of actors… The casting for the main character ‘Eggsy’ was spot on his accent is authentic which is rare these days and he is the non pretty boy you would expect to be a struggling teenager in deep London.
I recommend it highly but only if you don’t have a weak stomach because again MOST GRAPHIC MOVIE EVER!!!!! Or if you are not very open minded/offended easily.
The morals it teaches are subtle but surprising. Movies like this one usually are just there to be about people kicking butt but this one had heart felt messages within it. I mean it is a action, comedy, and adventure movie which is like everything you could ever want.

Anyways here are the links for everything you could want to know.





I meant to make a post about how I started blogging since July and I already have 100 followers!! I didn’t even have to beg for attention! I am so proud of myself. Usually one would need an app to bed for attention. So thank you to everyone who follows me it really does mean a lot. It feels great even if you read a sentence of one of my rants. You never know it could be important some day.

I shed a tear as I admit that I have had no time to relax. 2015 has kept me up and moving twenty for by seven. I have a billion things to do for college, work almost full time, plus school, family and friends, band practice, plus keeping up with my obsessions. It exhausting to say the least. At some point I want to make a post reflecting on 2014 and ask for others input on what they thought about that horrific year. Yeah I know you’re thinking ‘but it is in the middle of January and you are just now catching up????’ and the answer is yes.

But enough with my complaints.
I am sure almost everyone watched the Golden Globes and was satisfied with the fact that Boyhood won movie of the year. Because it truly is a masterpiece. With that being said that means I recommend it… obviously.

Also I am thinking about making YouTube videos for my rants. What does everyone think?
But it is so much effort…
Its ok I will bend over backward for attention. One of my favorite hobbies.
Including Tumblr, if you don’t have one we can’t be friends… So… motivation!
Mesa Tumblr

I hope everyone is having a good year so far…
As Sheppard and Matt Smith says… GERONIMO!

Yeah its a song link…

The Bachelor is a Sad Excuse for Entertainment


I have an earlier blog post on cable tv now a days and how I think it is sad how much crap we watch. Well I found a show that really just takes the frickin cake. I have only seen The Bachelor once in my life… and it was just to please a family member because they were begging me to watch it. But last night being sick you want to veg out right? The only thing that was on was this horrific show… I don’t understand how people enjoy that show!!! You basically watch some perverted male drool over these beautiful woman to see who can be the nastiest out of them all and win over his heart. I don’t believe this can spark love. I promptly referred to Google and wondered how many couples actually last after being paired up on this show… 5 OUT OF 18!!! Yet people still believe this is what happens when you fall in love. How could you like a guy who could choose you over these other woman. Maybe I just have an unrealistic view on love but damn!!! This is entertainment? It wasn’t my sickness that was making me want to vomit. This was worse than all the Kardashians shows and that is saying a lot. Have we really screwed up this much, to make people believe this is how you find a companion you want to spend the rest of your life with?

To Good To Be True…


HAHA Well you can now watch, The Interview, Starring James Franco and Seth Rogen on YouTube! And better yet it is even cheaper than watching it in the theaters… Only $6


You know what would have been even better is if they would have been like, ‘HEY guess what how about we just release it for free and really show them who is boss!’

Now that really would have stuck out this middle finger.

Again I feel like this movie was just mostly about the message rather than the profit.

In any case I am dying to see this movie!!!!!

If you guys don’t know the controversy behind this movie I urge you to investigate because it is pretty comical I mean… Can we not take a joke you guys? And even if it really is this insulting I mean do we really have to invade Sony?

Zoo of Lights + Song of the Day #11


When explaining to people that I will be busy because I am going to go to the zoo to have fun they look puzzled. Which puzzles me because as far as I am concerned there is no age limit when it comes to going to the zoo. Or am I mistaken? No NO ok I got it… maybe because as we get older our views are tainted because we want bigger and better and more! We can’t take a day to go and look at the natural beauty around us. Take in the kings of the wild or the timid little furry monkeys. When we are freaking babies we crap our pants when we see a polar bear look our way because we feel honored and you know what we should be!!! And personally on a Friday night I would rather eat freaking ice cream and look at hippos rather than look at the hyenas that show up to most parties. One time a year the zoo closest to me has a time where the whole park is lit up with lights and it is magical I don’t care how old you are. I enjoy that sh*t.

Also this song kinda fits my rant haha you’re welcome.

This song makes me dance and it’s super catchy so it’s perfect for the beginning of the weekend.


Coke in Coke? + Jealous? What is wrong with us + Song of the Day #10


I listen to Spotify almost everyday and almost everyday I hear this commercial about the Coke at McDonalds… It talks about how the Coke is better there rather than anywhere else. They also add how you don’t need to know why but that all you need to know is that you love their Coke better than anyone else’s. Is it just me or does this not sound super creepy… They wouldn’t advertise this unless they really did put this in our soda. Otherwise they would advertise a new toy or some spicy McNuggets. Are they putting some sort of addictive additive into their products so that we are forever at their doorstep.

Also venturing on Spotify I looked at the discover category. They displayed one of the youngest Jonas Brothers, Nick Jonas. Apparently he has a new single out so hey lets see if it is as bad as the trio. Unfortunately yes, it was weird as well. Spotify is freaking me out today… The song is titled Jealous and it is about an obsessive boyfriend and how he gets violent when he sees other boys googling over his lady. But yet it is ok because being jealous is a valid reason to try your partner like shit…

On that note I present you with my choice for the song of the day which turned into multiple songs.

The official song is “Holding Onto You” by twenty one pilots

This song is so freaking great. It is dynamic, unique, and the title would allude you to  believe this was another song about romance but don’t be fooled because if you listen closely that is in fact not at all true. The lyrics are genius plus I like this guys voice. The music video might through you off but just listen. This band has save so many lives their music is extremely powerful.


Then there is “House of Gold” by twenty one pilots


You obviously suck + Song of the Day #8


Turns out the deadline for my top school is a month earlier than anticipated which means its fucking crunch time. I am applying to a very competitive school because I believe in myself and my abilities. Since there are a million requirements for the department I am applying for, One of my teachers observed that a lot of people applying will have been working on this for months. My reply was well then they obviously aren’t good enough. I don’t know how to explain it and not everyone will agree but… I think if you are good enough at something or are passionate about it you can pull whatever it is out of your ass and it will be amazing. And it will be better than whatever someone will be able to conjure up in months. I could be wrong and just running off a false sense of security but then everything I believe may be wrong and that goes for anyone. So what the hell? Why not try I would feel like a failure if I did not least try even if it was for nothing. That is how I live my life and I enjoy it.

Also while I am creating my many pieces of writing for my application I found a kick ass playlist on 8 tracks… I approve of every song on this playlist so have fun:
