Song of the Day #19


Let’s admit we all now have short attention spands most of the time now… So let’s get right to it!

The song of the day today is….


SHINE music video

You can also find it on my Spotify Playlist

SHINE on Gray’s Mentality

This song is one of there more underground songs but honestly it’s my favorite!

They are uniquely attractive and his voice is like a young Michael Jackson of sorts…


Social Media Stuffs:

Song of the Day #18


I have been posting a lot lately because well I guess I have a lot to share haha.

I am getting such a great response about my tattoo. It feels great. I posted about it here and on Facebook and everyone has been so supportive. So thank you.

Anyways I thought I would also post a song of the day today!

The Song of the Day today is….

Contagious by Night Riots


I love the lyrics in this song. The lead singers voice plus the riff is so catchy!

These guys are surprisingly under appreciated so show them so love!

Kingsman was Kick Ass


My attempt to post something everyday is not going so well… But…

I know I have been posting a lot about movies lately but I mean the oscars happened recently so movies have been on my mind.

On Friday I saw one of the only movies that looked interesting in the box office right now;
Kingsman: The Secret Service
Let me just start by saying it is the most graphic movies I have ever seen. EVER!
And I am an American Horror Story fanatic.
Kingsman had kick ass cinematography and it was a unique story that keep me interested the whole time. There were some parts where I was like, ‘Oh my god cover your eyes’ or ‘oh my god that is so horrible’
but other than that I was seriously impressed by the movie because I wasn’t expecting much…
The special affects are pretty awful but hey I mean what are you expecting it’s a spy movie with Colin Firth.
Speaking of actors… The casting for the main character ‘Eggsy’ was spot on his accent is authentic which is rare these days and he is the non pretty boy you would expect to be a struggling teenager in deep London.
I recommend it highly but only if you don’t have a weak stomach because again MOST GRAPHIC MOVIE EVER!!!!! Or if you are not very open minded/offended easily.
The morals it teaches are subtle but surprising. Movies like this one usually are just there to be about people kicking butt but this one had heart felt messages within it. I mean it is a action, comedy, and adventure movie which is like everything you could ever want.

Anyways here are the links for everything you could want to know.

Song of the Day #6 (times dos)


Well since I personally hate Tuesday more than Mondays I decided why not treat us with songs for a song of the day!! But songs that have some energy but are still layer back enough.

Reasoning: You tend to get more sleep on the weekends so on Mondays that gives you a bit of an extra boost… Tuesdays however that energy is gone and you realize you still have the rest of the week. There is no turing back.

So here you go! The first song is Black and Blue by Mike Snow

This song a chill electronic song with some catchy lyrics. Basically it makes you sway and demands you sing along. It is just an all around feel good song in my opinion.

The other song is Freeway by Flux Pavilion (Kill the Noise Remix)

This song again has a chill feel with more “umph” if you will I mean it is Dubstep. It adds some energy to your Tuesday, but not to much.


I hope you enjoy… ^.^