Where do we find motivation? And some songs… #15


Where do we find motivation is it through quotes we find on Pinterest? Biggest Loser type shows? Is it watching Keeping up with the Kardashians? Well the real answer is: None of the above we should just naturally find it within ourselves.

But is that true?

Maybe it used to be but it sure as hell isn’t the way it is now.

Speaking of which here is a link to my Pinterest…. hahahahaha


No but really the cover to this blog post is one of my favorite quotes and it is from Harry Potter of course… It is truly wise.

Also the song of the day is Let It Go by James Bay




I meant to make a post about how I started blogging since July and I already have 100 followers!! I didn’t even have to beg for attention! I am so proud of myself. Usually one would need an app to bed for attention. So thank you to everyone who follows me it really does mean a lot. It feels great even if you read a sentence of one of my rants. You never know it could be important some day.

I shed a tear as I admit that I have had no time to relax. 2015 has kept me up and moving twenty for by seven. I have a billion things to do for college, work almost full time, plus school, family and friends, band practice, plus keeping up with my obsessions. It exhausting to say the least. At some point I want to make a post reflecting on 2014 and ask for others input on what they thought about that horrific year. Yeah I know you’re thinking ‘but it is in the middle of January and you are just now catching up????’ and the answer is yes.

But enough with my complaints.
I am sure almost everyone watched the Golden Globes and was satisfied with the fact that Boyhood won movie of the year. Because it truly is a masterpiece. With that being said that means I recommend it… obviously.

Also I am thinking about making YouTube videos for my rants. What does everyone think?
But it is so much effort…
Its ok I will bend over backward for attention. One of my favorite hobbies.
Including Tumblr, if you don’t have one we can’t be friends… So… motivation!
Mesa Tumblr

I hope everyone is having a good year so far…
As Sheppard and Matt Smith says… GERONIMO!

Yeah its a song link…