Song of the Day #19


Let’s admit we all now have short attention spands most of the time now… So let’s get right to it!

The song of the day today is….


SHINE music video

You can also find it on my Spotify Playlist

SHINE on Gray’s Mentality

This song is one of there more underground songs but honestly it’s my favorite!

They are uniquely attractive and his voice is like a young Michael Jackson of sorts…


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Movie Premiere and a million of there things


So last night I was lucky enough to attend the premiere of “Me and Earl and the Dying Girl”. It looked to be a rip off of “The Fault in Our Stars” so I wasn’t expecting much.

Let me just tell you… It was seriously stunning. It was like something I haven’t seen before. It was hilarious but also haunting and emotional. The acting was perfect and the casting was right on.

I was entrapped in the story the entire time. Engulfing me making me laugh and cry.

Since it was a premiere there was assigned seating and press which made it very interesting.

Afterwards there was a Q and A with two of the main characters; Thomas Mann and Rj Cyler.

I had seen Thomas Mann in Project X previously and since I loved him in that movie I was very excited. I asked them a question which ended up coming out of my mouth like gibberish in which I felt embarrassed.

Then we filed down the steps to get autographs and to take pictures.

Once it was my turn I shuffled over to them and handed them my reserved seating sign… In which I said, “All I have is this piece of paper for you to sign, it’s kind of like when you go on vacation and you get a t-shirt that says ‘all I got was this t-shirt”.

Yes it was as embarrassing as it sounds. But to top it off when they finished autographing my blue paper RJ says, “So are we gonna take a picture or what?!” (enthusiastically)

In which I reply, “No I just wanted to breathe in your air”.

Yes…. That is exactly what I said….

Both of my remarks made them laugh and I am sure they have heard worse. But when your adrenaline is going and it is hot as hell in the theater and they are too what would you have said????!!!!

Anyways… I am posting a few picture of me with the guys on Flickr:

(Main page)

My Flickr

(The album with the pictures)

The pictures

Also here is the link to the movie trailer and the IMDB:

Me and Earl IMDB

Me and Earl Trailer

I hope you enjoyed my embarassing story!

I will be posting again soon!

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The 100 and The Raven Boys


One of the most relaxing things in the world is reading a good book. Not everyone enjoys spending hours staring aimlessly at a bunch of printed words but personally I find it calming.
One of the books I have finished recently is “The Raven Boys” It is the first book in the “Raven Cycle” series and I honestly loved it. I just kinda stumbled upon it and was presently surprised.
It is about a girl named Blue who is burdened with a grim fait that when she kisses her true love he will die. She is surrounded by a family of psychics but she doesn’t possess the gift. I don’t want to give anything away accidentally but I will leave it at that. It is categorized as teen romance but I beg to differ.

I also recently finished “The 100” series. I don’t remember if I have talked about the 100 show before but it is one of my favorites!! I decided to read the books after I finished walking the first two seasons. Let’s just say the credits say the show is based off of the book but there are really no similarities it was almost as if they were two different stories. Regardless both the show and the books are amazing and unique and everything else.

Now I have so many other books on my list to read this summer so yay!

Side note: I started reading the A Song of Ice and Fire series (Game of Thrones) and it is very very very intricate it reminds me a lot of the lord of rings. So we will see but my hopes are high.

Song of the day #14


Lets get right to it because we have a lot to cover!
I have been going nuts with looking for new music and I have been finding some pretty good stuff… again disclaimer I love many different types of feels when it comes to music so these songs are different types.

First we have:

Greek Tragedy by The Wombats
Ok warning the music video is super weird and it has some gore in it but I mean just don’t watch it then but! it stars one of the main characters from my favorite tv show pretty much ever (Skins UK)


Stole the show By Kygo
This one is a low key dancey electronicy song. You also have a guy featured on it who has a pretty kick ass voice.
Here is the link for the music video… It has one of those annoying long intros but the song actually starts at 1:15… so you’re welcome!


Firestone By Kygo
Yes another Kygo song… I just kinda like the beat of this song and the lyrics. Plus the name is memorable so theres that.


Get it by Matt and Kim
They are an interesting couple who makes really interesting music as well…


Somebody New By Joywave
I love their music its catchy and also unique. So yeah!


Renegades By X Ambassadors
I absolutely love this band they have a really neat sound and every song has its own story almost… This is one of their most chill songs…


Words Per Minute


I have like a secret power where I can read at a speed that is in humanly possible.

I finished “Four” By Veronica Roth which is a serrate book adding to the Divergent series and oddly was the only good book in the series even though it was’t even in it!!! I seriously love love love the concept of the whole series but it is just so poorly written it is hardly a page turner.
Adding onto that I then say “Insurgent” which is a movie adaption to the second book in the series and I was actually really impressed with how similar it was to the actual book I really couldn’t find any major differences… and I cringe at these words but the movie was actually better than the book. I know horrible but true.

Then I finished “Paper Towns” by (the almighty) John Green. He is one of my favorite authors without a doubt. If anyone is going to figure out the answer to everything it will be him. He is one of the most brilliant people ever. Look into him he also has a youtube channel he shares with his brother Hank. Paper Towns did not disappoint in the slightest. It was like anything John Green… Tragic, hilarious, beautiful, and witty.

I also am halfway through the third book in the Maze Runner series. And it is actually better than I expected. Again the writing isn’t as dramatic as I would have hoped in a post apocalyptic teen drama book but I mean you can’t have everything. I actually haven’t been able to but the books down. I mean I read the Maze Runner before the movie came out and I loved the concept but his writing made me fall asleep. And the movie was just as good as the book. I guess I didn’t have much hope for the rest of the series but a year later I decide to pick up the second book and I do not regret it at all. It is honestly one of the most realistic post apocalyptic book I have ever read… well I mean besides the Hunger Games which is also one of my favorites.

Now for the less exciting news:
Yeah so its been awhile.
Life gets crazy and then one loses their voice again for no freaking reason and then things get even more crazy.
Of course the universe knew I had a million important things to do this weekend so that means that it would be a good time for me to not be able to speak to anyone!!!! AHHHHH!

So then that leaves us with this. I croaked my way through interviews and ended up getting into another college! yippy!

Anyways reading all these books this week has made me come up with more theories about the world we live in… but I won’t get into that now.
This concludes a daunting post about nothing and books! YAY!

Song of the Day #13 and Dream Dictionary


As we have discussed my favorite genre is alternative and indie. Which means the song of the day is an indie song! Yay for you! You know what they say don’t judge a song by it’s genre! (or they will say that now)

The song of the day is=
Greek Tragedy by The Wombats

Here the Youtube link!

The music video surprisingly stars a girl from the first generation of one of my favorite shows Skins UK.

Part 2=

I have been having some pretty trippy dreams lately so I have turned to the internet to figure out what is in the deep corners of my mind. What a scary thought.
I have been relying on the trusty site:

Apparently the meaning of one of the main themes was: “…symbolizes acceptance of your character. The stranger represents hidden or repressed traits of you. The kiss indicates you are content with yourself and recognize you need to be who you really are…”

That’s a good sign right? Although that is the only positive dream I have had in weeks.

Maybe the lack of sugar is causing my nightmares. It’s finally coming back to haunt me.

Kingsman was Kick Ass


My attempt to post something everyday is not going so well… But…

I know I have been posting a lot about movies lately but I mean the oscars happened recently so movies have been on my mind.

On Friday I saw one of the only movies that looked interesting in the box office right now;
Kingsman: The Secret Service
Let me just start by saying it is the most graphic movies I have ever seen. EVER!
And I am an American Horror Story fanatic.
Kingsman had kick ass cinematography and it was a unique story that keep me interested the whole time. There were some parts where I was like, ‘Oh my god cover your eyes’ or ‘oh my god that is so horrible’
but other than that I was seriously impressed by the movie because I wasn’t expecting much…
The special affects are pretty awful but hey I mean what are you expecting it’s a spy movie with Colin Firth.
Speaking of actors… The casting for the main character ‘Eggsy’ was spot on his accent is authentic which is rare these days and he is the non pretty boy you would expect to be a struggling teenager in deep London.
I recommend it highly but only if you don’t have a weak stomach because again MOST GRAPHIC MOVIE EVER!!!!! Or if you are not very open minded/offended easily.
The morals it teaches are subtle but surprising. Movies like this one usually are just there to be about people kicking butt but this one had heart felt messages within it. I mean it is a action, comedy, and adventure movie which is like everything you could ever want.

Anyways here are the links for everything you could want to know.

Violet and Daisy


I am trying to post something every day so here it goes…
Today I will be posting a movie review… Or complaint would be the better word.
Today I watched “Violet and Daisy”
It stars one of my favorite female actresses: Saoirse Ronan
It is about two teenage girl assassins which always sounds awesome!
I thought it was going to be about kick ass girls kicking more ass but I was sadly disappointed.
Apparently that would have been to great so they had to water it down with a sob story.
I mean I guess if you the kind of movie where it is graphic without being to graphic and also make you feel like you’re watching an action movie then this would be the one for you.
The story line could have been awesome and it almost was but there was just something missing. I don’t know maybe I am being over critical but it didn’t leave me wanting more.
I’m glad it was only an hour and a half.
I will let you decide on your own but I will help by leaving you the IMDB link and the trailer link…

One Star


I decided that today I would watch random movies on Netflix; most of them looked light hearted and stupid… but potentially interesting. Netflix determined that I would give them one star I still proceeded to watch.
As I have already figured out Netflix is always right… The one question I have to ask is how do these movies even obtain a budget?
I did see one movie today that was very enjoyable… Frank… It was weird and very meaningful if you decode the message. My favorite movie genre is indie so keep that in mind when taking that recommendation. (It was rated 5 stars)
The next two movies were: Expelled and Behaving Badly… Both movies started out with a tall brown haired teenage boy talking at the camera. It was both cheesy and obnoxious.
Both movies took place in a make believe high school and both had disgusting humor.
Sometimes movies that get mostly bad reviews can be entertaining but these were both horrifying. It makes me question the intellect of this generation.
The movie Behaving Badly stars Selena Gomez a disney star. I just hope that the children searching for their favorite star on the internet don’t stumble upon that movie.

Song of the day #12


I haven’t done a song of the day in awhile so here we go.

I have three songs to share with you…

One of my favorite songs right now is:
Reverse by SomeKindaWonderful

It is confusing and weirdly awesome. I can’t tell if the story means something different when you play it in reverse… hmmm.

But on a serious note…

Take me to Church by Hozier

I’m sure everyone has heard this song before but to me it is one of the most influential songs I have ever heard… Watch this short video about what this song actually means then watch the music video please it is just… it makes me cry every time honestly our world is so screwed up.

Behind the scenes of the meaning from the artist:

Then I will end this will one of my all time favorite artists:


He hasn’t released a single in years so here is his first single off his upcoming album

Hollow moon (Bad Wolf)