Song of the Day #13 and Dream Dictionary


As we have discussed my favorite genre is alternative and indie. Which means the song of the day is an indie song! Yay for you! You know what they say don’t judge a song by it’s genre! (or they will say that now)

The song of the day is=
Greek Tragedy by The Wombats

Here the Youtube link!

The music video surprisingly stars a girl from the first generation of one of my favorite shows Skins UK.

Part 2=

I have been having some pretty trippy dreams lately so I have turned to the internet to figure out what is in the deep corners of my mind. What a scary thought.
I have been relying on the trusty site:

Apparently the meaning of one of the main themes was: “…symbolizes acceptance of your character. The stranger represents hidden or repressed traits of you. The kiss indicates you are content with yourself and recognize you need to be who you really are…”

That’s a good sign right? Although that is the only positive dream I have had in weeks.

Maybe the lack of sugar is causing my nightmares. It’s finally coming back to haunt me.