Young adult?


I don’t understand teenagers or “young adults” who let their parents create and rule over their life and schedules.

At some point you need to be responsible enough to manage your own time.

Because guess what when you get into the real world no one is going to do it for you.

News flash!

At some point you need to stand up for yourself and say no this is important and I am going to make time for it!

It’s awkward when you’re 17 and I have to consult with your “mommy or daddy” to find a slot in your schedule! I too am young I understand sometimes you need help but when your parents run your life and you’re legally an adult or almost an adult that is where I draw the freaking line!

Social Media Stuffs:

Acne is the name of a brand


I find high end passion companies very odd. What is so glorifying about having a company named Acne…. I fucking hated having acne!!! No!! Not ok! I don’t want to wear clothes that insinuate the fact I had little puss factories all over my face! Not cool! If you think I will stoop down to that level no sir! I will keep my metaphorical balls and shop at somewhere like a thrift store or fucking walmart! Because! I have no reason other than I am a poor fuck and I would rather dress my ass in Walmart fashion than your acne product!! You sick bastard!
And that is all…

Sarcasm… sarspasm #1



Is it just me or do clothes seem pointless? I do not understand the meaning of covering up all that we have that is truly beautiful. Makeup is also like clothing it covers up what reveals us most physically. We should just go back to the age of at most a loin cloth. That way maybe us teenagers won’t be so damn horny all the time! We can see what we want and it will teach our hormones real quick… be careful what you ask for. Some of us do not look good naked my friends…